Understanding Mineral Nutrition - Absorption
Minerals are absorbed primarily as components of food. Different minerals have varying absorption rates and this is a factor that the Mineral Foundation have been mindful of in the development of the range. Although absorption of minerals usually takes place within the small intestines it can also occur prior to this in the intestinal tract. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the intestinal walls.

To aid assimilation of minerals they are almost always combined with another biochemical medium. Amongst these mediums are citrates, chlorides, carbonates, oxides, orotates (not available in the UK)
and picolinates. Despite these mediums there can be a good deal of variance in the ability of a person's body to absorb minerals. As a general rule of thumb, minerals are best absorbed when combined with an acidic medium. But some people suffer from over acidity in the intestinal tract and for these people a carbonate form of a mineral can reap benefits. The carbonate form of mineral yields a more alkaline format for those with pH problems with acidity. In normal circumstances it is preferable to take a carbonate in combination with an acidic medium e.g. apple cider vinegar. The alternative is to utilise a protein (hence the use of amino acids) which cause the liver and stomach to produce acid.

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